Why Trial Lawyers Aren’t the Right Choice to Manage Appeals

It’s not easy to accept a judgment when you lose a case. Sometimes there are valid reasons to want to appeal the decision. When you are thinking about appealing a ruling, consider whom you will have representing you. Should you stick with your trial lawyer, or is it better to get an appellate lawyer to […]
6 Tips for Appellate Advocacy Especially If you’re Appellant’s Counsel

The appeal is the means by which the modification of a resolution or sentence is requested by the higher judicial organization that issued it. An appeal filed against a sentence of a Criminal Court, for it to be reviewed by the Provincial Court. The appellate attorneys use the term appeal, to refer to those appeals […]
What is an Appellate Lawyer?

What Does an Appeal Lawyer Do and What is an Appellate Lawyer? Appeal lawyers take cases from lower trial courts, such as criminal courts or civil courts, and appeal or challenge those cases in higher courts such as a Court of Appeal or Supreme Court. Appeals take place in both state courts and federal courts. […]
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the University of Oklahoma

Fraternities Gone Wild This year has not been a flattering one for the Greek life across the United States. From scorching reviews of sexual assault to journalistic reviews of a culture of racism and sexism, it seems fraternity life is not quite as glamorous as it once was. Just this past month the University of […]
Is Pennsylvania the next state to enact a Medical Marijuana Law?
As The Washington Post reports that states with medical marijuana laws enacted have a 25% lower incident of prescription overdose deaths than states without such laws, it is beginning to appear that Pennsylvania may become the next state to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. Riding a wave of good news of those in support of medical […]