U.S. Supreme Court Deals Harsh Blow to Big Tobacco in Florida Lawsuits

Litigation by individual smokers and tobacco companies has been winding its way through the Florida courts for more than two decades. As a Florida federal appeals attorney explains, the U.S. Supreme Court has just weighed in with a decision that could cost tobacco companies tens of millions of dollars. The Procedural History of the Case In the early […]

Florida High Court Rejects Death Row Inmate’s Appeal Claiming Mental Disability

The Florida high court has rejected an 11th-hour appeal for a stay of execution for a convicted murderer. An appeals attorney explains the background of the case and what’s next for the inmate. Florida Appeals Attorney Explains the Background of the Case 63-year-old John Ruthell Henry has been on death row for 27 years. He has allegedly killed […]

Florida’s Governor Rick Scott Agrees to Support Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Extract for Medical Use

Florida governor Rick Scott has indicated he will sign a law legalizing a certain form of marijuana for medical use. As an Florida appeals attorney can explain, this represents a victory for proponents of medical marijuana though Governor Scott still opposes full medical marijuana legalization. The Background Behind Recent Medical Marijuana Legislation The Republican-controlled Florida House […]

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