Understanding the Role and Expertise of Appeal Lawyers in Jacksonville

Exploring the criminal justice system can be an overwhelming experience, particularly when stood up to with the effect of a conviction. For some who are found blameworthy, the verdict isn’t really the finish of their journey; all things being equal, appeals and post-conviction relief give essential paths to challenge the outcome and look for justice. […]
An Overview of Appeal Courts in Nashville

Appeal courts assume a basic part in the legal system. They review cases from lower courts to guarantee fair trials and appropriate application of the law. Nashville, being a significant city in Tennessee, has its own structure for appeal courts. This article will give an overview of the appeal courts in Nashville, highlighting their importance, […]
Colton Pitonya Appeal Dismissed for Jennifer Cave’s Murder

In 2007, a Texan man named Colton Pitonyak went to trial for the murder of a young woman named Jennifer Cave. Cave was murdered in 2005 allegedly in the West Campus apartment of Pitonyak. After her murder, Jennifer Caves body was dismembered. Currently, Pitonyak is serving a 55 year sentence for Caves murder. On Wednesday, […]
Pennsylvania death penalty appeals

Pausing the Penalty in Pennsylvania Appeals The United States of America remains one of the few remaining countries to institute the death penalty as a form of punishment for criminal wrongdoing. There are 19 states within the country that have outlawed the death penalty altogether and 31 that support the death penalty. While some among the […]
Frank Carson Lawyer Accused of Conspiracy in California

A Conspiracy in California: Frank Carson Attorney in California A rather unusual series of criminal charges have come to light over the past few months in Modesto. Criminal allegations against none other than a criminal defense attorney coupled with charges of conspiracy are setting the stage for an even more unusual trial. Bizarre twists have popped […]
Han Tak Lee South Korean Appeal Case

Han Tak Lee: A Winning Appeal If one were to judge the justice system based on cinema or television two conclusions could be drawn rather quickly. First, the mysteries can always be solved through the work of passionate law enforcement agents. Second, the advanced technology available to law enforcement means that definite answers are always […]
Texas Court of Appeals Delays the Execution of Clifton Lamar Williams

Texas Court delays Texas execution This undated handout photo provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice shows Clifton Lamar Williams. Williams is scheduled to die by lethal injection Thursday, July 16, 2015 for the July 2005 slaying of Cecelia Schneider in Tyler, Texas. (Texas Department of Criminal Justice/Associated Press) By Michael Graczyk AP July 16 at […]
Appeal Lawyers in Austin: What They Do

If you are unfamiliar with appeals and what happens in them, don’t worry you are not alone. Having to go to court for anything can be a daunting experience. Even more so when you do not win your case. However, there are lawyers who specialize in taking on appeals. An appeal can be defined as […]
What to Expect When you hire an Appeals Attorney in Jacksonville

Hiring an appeals attorney is not a place that anyone wants to be. When you need to hire an appeals attorney it not only means you are in legal trouble, it also means that your case did not turn out the way you had hoped. Whether you need criminal appeal attorneys or civil appeals attorneys, […]
Does Sex Sell?

Ask anyone in the marketing industry whether sex sells and the answer is almost always a resounding yes. Ask someone in law enforcement, however, and the answer quickly becomes the opposite. In the United States there is an outright prohibition on the sale or solicitation of sex. As with all outright prohibitions, there is one […]