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Texas Post-Conviction Lawyers

Have you been recently convicted and are thinking of filing for an appeal? Have you exhausted all the Texas state appeals remedies such as direct appeals at the circuit courts, PDR claims or habeas claims? Contact our criminal appeals lawyers in Texas today. You don’t need to worry anymore because The Law Office of Robert Sirianni is ready to file for a motion for post-conviction relief or habeas corpus as soon as you contact us at 1-(214) 272-2833.

Connect with the post conviction attorneys to discuss your Texas habeas corpus motion (214) 272-2833

According to the United States statutes, a defendant who has exhausted all his/her rights to appeal can still pursue other legal options such as filing a motion for post-conviction relief. This motion gives the defendant a chance to be heard once more by a different jury. At the Law Office of Robert Sirianni, we have successfully filed several motions for post-conviction relief. Our post-conviction appeals law firm has a team of highly experienced criminal defense attorneys that focus on motions for post-conviction relief only. Return to our post-conviction lawyer page to read more about our appeals.  Contact our Texas criminal appeals lawyers today.

Writ of Habeas Corpus in Texas

A writ of habeas corpus is filed by defendants who have utilized all their rights to appeal including motions for post-conviction relief. We work with a team of attorneys that are members of the order of coif and were prosecutors or clerks of law. Our lawyers, therefore, have an in-depth insight into the U.S. legal system and the rules of criminal procedure.  Return to the appellate law firm of Texas page. Our Texas criminal appeals lawyers handle post-conviction motions across Texas and in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, Arlington, and Corpus Christi.

Our criminal appeals attorneys in Texas always work extra hours to ensure that they come up with fresh ideas on how to handle a given criminal appeal case, always preparing writs and legal briefs after conducting painstaking legal research. The Law Office of Robert Sirianni’s main goal is to ensure that our clients win the appeals and that their constitutional rights are not violated in any way.  The criminal habeas lawyers at our firm handle cases in Harris County, Dallas County, Tarrant County, Bexar County, Travis County, Collin County, El Paso County, Denton County, Fort Bend County, Montgomery County, Brazoria, Nueces County, McLennan County, Brazos County, Hays County, and Comal County.

Texas Federal Post Conviction Attorneys

No matter how deep you think your legal troubles lie, the Texas criminal appeals attorneys at our firm are here to help. Even if your issues seem insurmountable, our appeals lawyers are here to help you get through the appeal process – however long it may take. Our post-conviction appeals lawyers in Texas will review your plea, sentence, conviction or jury trial in criminal court.

Our appellate lawyers are highly skilled in legal research and thus preparing writs and arguments is not a problem. We may also present oral arguments at Supreme Court appeals so as to ensure that we maximize the chances of our clients winning. Whether the defendant was given an unfair trial, sentenced excessively or the appellate judge broke some rules, we are here to give our clients legal advice so as to ensure that the verdicts are overturned. We also present appeals at the Supreme Court in cases where the trial court misapplied rules of criminal or civil procedure.

At the Law Office of Robert Sirianni, our main aim is to ensure that we give experienced legal counsel to our clients throughout the state of Texas.

Texas Post-Conviction Lawyers

Texas Habeas Petitions and Post-Conviction: 11.07 Motions

If you have recently been convicted of a crime or seen a judgment handed down in civil court that threatens to ruin your financial security, give us a call today! Our team of appellate lawyers is standing by to help you take the first step toward overturning your initial judgment. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting in touch right now!

In a federal case, you are required to file for post-conviction relief within one year of the written date on the judgment and sentence. If the conviction was decided after a jury trial, there can be a variety of grounds for filing an application for a writ of habeas corpus. For a guilty plea, you – the defendant – may have waived your right to bring post-conviction relief.

In case of conviction in a state jurisdiction, there is no time limit for filing post-conviction relief following conviction. The absence of a deadline is a unique feature of Texas appellate procedures. However, federal statutes impose a time limit for which a federal habeas corpus attacking a state conviction must be filed. As you must first show that you presented your allegations to the state courts, you are bound by a time limit on the filing of the state petition, which can become even more pressing if you’re having difficulty in proving your allegation. The decision on whether to bring the incomplete application to State court to avoid losing the federal habeas corpus route can be a hard one for an appeals attorney. This is an important question to ponder over before deciding what to do if you’re faced with time limitations.

Article 11 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure describes the various types of writs you can use when seeking post-conviction relief. For instance, you can use a writ drawn under Article 11.072, or in some cases, 11.08. The best option in a felony conviction where your appeals have been rejected is usually a writ under Article 11.07.

The grounds for filing an application for post-conviction relief is broader in comparison to the federal level as the defendant typically does not waive the right to bring post-conviction relief at the time of a guilty plea. Like the federal system, there is no limitation on the grounds for which post-conviction relief can be filed.

It is not uncommon to find news stories of people who were wrongly convicted or served time for a crime they did not commit. You may also read about cases that were not properly tried. In such cases, you need to raise the pertinent issues through post-conviction relief to get your case before the judge once again.

You may want to know if a writ is the best way to remove unwanted or unfair items on your record. You may be eligible for other forms of relief such as a motion for non-disclosure, a petition to restore your civil rights, or a motion to seal under the Family Code in a juvenile delinquency case. Our post-conviction attorneys consider the facts of the case, review paperwork and interview with you to determine the most suitable strategy. We also file Texas federal writs of habeas corpus in Texas Federal District Courts. Federal writs of habeas corpus are filed in United States District Courts such as the Houston Federal District Court under Rule 2254 or Rule 2255.

To help you secure relief, we conduct an investigation that includes obtaining and reviewing all records, documents, and transcripts of trials and hearings, reviewing all interviews with witnesses, and even looking into the prospects of introducing new evidence establishing basis and innocence.

Filing a habeas corpus petition calls for a comprehensive understanding of procedural rules. It is essential if you’re already in prison and you want the court to grant you relief. We have extensive experience filing habeas corpus petitions on behalf of clients who are challenging their imprisonments and convictions. It is important that you have a strong support system throughout the process. You need an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer who’s aggressive in bringing ignored facts, denial of constitutional rights and illegal sentences to the attention of the judge.

Contact a post conviction lawyer in Texas at (214) 272-2833.

What is the Texas Post Conviction Process for 11.07?

Article 11.07, §3(d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure authorizes a trial court to hold a hearing on an application for habeas corpus in a non-death penalty felony conviction.  The Court of Criminal Appeals has established an extremely lenient standard for when a hearing should be held in a habeas corpus application. If an applicant “has alleged facts that, if true, might entitle him to relief, . . . the trial court [should resolve] the factual issues presented in accordance with Article 11.07, §3(d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure” by holding a hearing.  Ex parte Patterson, 993 S.W.2d 114, 115 (Tex.Crim.App. 1999); see also Ex parte Hernandez, 398 S.W.3d 369, 374 (Tex.App. – Beaumont 2013, no pet.) (“In our opinion, the issues raised by Hernandez in his application allowed the parties to develop the record beyond the written record of the prior plea proceedings, and a further development of the record is required so the trial court may make an informed decision on the issues in dispute.”).  Hernandez held that, under the circumstances, the trial court was required to receive the applicant’s testimony whether by hearing or, if his “actual appearance was impractical” because he was being detained by federal authorities, then by deposition or teleconference.   Accordingly, under Patterson, a hearing is required in an 11.07 when the facts are in dispute. Read more about the 11.07 process and find a form post conviction writ of habeas corpusTexas 1107 Form Post Conviction Motion Habeas Writ

Connect with Robert Sirianni our lead Texas writ of habeas corpus attorney at (214) 272-2833.

A Post Conviction Attorney in Texas Should Provide

  • Motions to Reduce Sentence
  • Vacate a Previous Conviction
  • Motion to Overturn Judgment
  • Federal Commutations
  • State Commutations
  • Habeas Corpus Relief
  • Pardons
  • Federal and State Clemency
  • Motions for New Trial

Learn more about our Texas post conviction lawyers.  Connect with the habeas corpus attorneys at our Texas law firm.