Being found guilty of a crime is never the end of the road for the accused; a person has several options for seeking post-conviction relief. A person found guilty will find it hard to make the right decision in regard to filing for an appeal, but this is where our appeal attorneys come into play. Filing an appeal is further complicated by the fact that, apart from federal convictions which follow a defined set of rules, options for relief differ from region to region. It is therefore necessary to engage habeas corpus attorneys in Missouri.
Any convicted person has the constitutional right to file for an appeal. By engaging the appellate attorneys, a client will rest easy knowing that his /her case is being handled professionally and within the legal framework. The appeal petition or request is aimed at reversing the judgment by finding fault in the whole judgment process. The criminal defense lawyers will try to convince the appellate court that a procedural or legal error took place during the trial. Return to our main federal writ of habeas corpus page.
A post conviction appeals lawyer in Missouri will file a request for habeas corpus which is aimed at convincing the court that holding the incarcerated person in jail violates the client’s constitutional right. Habeas writs start before the Missouri Federal District Courts. The post-conviction lawyers in Missouri will submit a motion for post-conviction relief immediately after judgment is passed. The habeas corpus attorneys in Missouri also handle appeals in St. Louis and Kansas City.
The motion seeks to compel the trial court to offer a fresh trial for the client. Basically, the lawyer will request the trial court to overlook the decision made by the court jury consequently reconsidering the verdict.
The criminal post-conviction attorneys in Missouri will also use expungement when seeking post-conviction relief. This option is usually applied to cases that have not specified the jail term or involve a minor. The federal criminal defense attorney will request the trial court to seal or expunge the conviction record of the defendant. Expungement seeks to protect a convicted person’s criminal history which might interfere or limit prospects such as employment
Post-conviction relief differs from criminal appeal in that the relief can be filed through the trial court while appeals have to be channeled through higher courts. Federal Criminal appeals take place within a specified time period while post-conviction relief has no time restrictions. Call our post-conviction appeals lawyers in Missouri today for a free consultation.
Brownstone’s post-conviction appeals lawyers in Missouri are some of the most well-known appellate litigators in the state of Missouri. We are also present in each and every appellate court in the U.S. For the years that post-conviction lawyers in Missouri have been practicing law, we have been involved in many civil and criminal appeal proceedings at the federal court level. Our Missouri appeal lawyers also have deep knowledge of the rules of criminal appellate procedure at the Supreme Court. Our clientele range from high profile citizens to multinational companies with branches in Missouri. Our service is not restricted to defendants only but also to other law firms that need consultancy on issues relating to the appeals process. Contact our Missouri federal crime lawyers at (888) 233-8895.
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