Religious Freedom in Pennsylvania

The concept of the separation of church and state is a common refrain many Americans associate with the U.S. Constitution. The government is prohibited from establishing or oppressing people based on their religious affiliation. At face value this is a relatively simple concept. Unfortunately, once a concept turns into legislation, law and court opinions, the […]

Speech or Spite: The Confederate Flag Controversy

The State of Texas has a lengthy history of an interest in secession. In fact, not long after the Confederacy was formed the state actually booted governor Sam Houston out of office in 1861 just to ensure that they could join the Confederacy. Of course that wasn’t the first time Texas was opposed to being […]

Supreme Court Stops Death Sentence of Mark Christeson

When Attorneys Are Late The United States Supreme Court has made an unusual and important decision in the area of capital punishment. In January of 2015, SCOTUS intervened in a lower court’s decision to reverse a death sentence for one inmate. SCOTUS’s involvements in death penalty decisions has been few and far between and has […]

Supreme Court Rules Police Cannot Search Suspects’ Cell Phone Without Warrant

The U.S. Supreme Court has recently ruled on a case that will have wide impact on the way law enforcement collects evidence in the digital age. As a federal appeals lawyer discusses, warrantless searches of a suspect’s cell phone have been held unconstitutional in most cases. The Background of the Case The issue before the court was […]

U.S. Supreme Court Deals Harsh Blow to Big Tobacco in Florida Lawsuits

Litigation by individual smokers and tobacco companies has been winding its way through the Florida courts for more than two decades. As a Florida federal appeals attorney explains, the U.S. Supreme Court has just weighed in with a decision that could cost tobacco companies tens of millions of dollars. The Procedural History of the Case In the early […]

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