3 Reasons Why Florida Property Owners Need Title Insurance

Talking with an expert can really help. If you’ve never purchased a home or other property before, the learning curve can seem overwhelmingly steep. There are forms to sign, authorizations to give, and a seemingly never ending list of questions to answer. Florida title insurance is one of those confusing elements of buying property, but […]

How a Conflict of State and Local Laws Can Muddy Open Carry Laws

While Texas law allows citizens to openly carry firearms, local law can sometimes conflict. A Texas appeal attorney can discuss how these laws are applied and how this conflict may have been the root of one man’s recent controversial run-in with law enforcement. A Texas Federal Appeals Attorney Discusses Texas’s Open Carry Law Texas is […]

Federal Ruling Keeps Ohio’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage In Play For Now

State and federal courts have ping-ponged the issue of state same-sex marriage bans in recent months. As an Ohio appeals attorney can explain, Ohio’s ban on same-sex marriage will stay in effect at least for the time being. An Ohio Federal Appeals Attorney Discusses Ohio’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban Ohio’s current law prohibits the state from recognizing […]

Constitutional Rights to Flash Headlights

We’ve all seen cars that flash their headlights to warn fellow drivers of a nearby police officer. While this practice may be annoying to law enforcement, an appeals attorney can explain to you why flashing your headlights may be a constitutionally protected form of communication. State Laws Addressing Headlight Flashing Explained Several states have already introduced state […]

TWA Flight 800 Documentary

TWA Flight 800 Documentary  In light of the recent disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, Netflix recently added a documentary on the nearly 20-year-old TWA Flight 800 disaster. The documentary, called simply, TWA Flight 800, was originally aired on Epix, a cable channel featuring movies and documentaries, in 2013 with the main focus pertaining to […]

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