How Often Are Appeals Successful?

When a defendant is found guilty, he or she can sometimes appeal the decision in appellate court. Though an appeal is not the same as another trial, nor does it have to result in another trial, it can be pursued to point out possible errors made during the first trial. An appeal simply asks for […]

Federal Appeals Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Appellate Process for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals A federal criminal conviction in the federal courts of Pennsylvania is a daunting judgment. The life and freedom of the convicted will change drastically. A person convicted of a federal criminal act will face challenges unknown to them prior to conviction and lose even the […]

Veronica Perez Law Suit Against Elkis Hermida

S.M. v Los Angeles Unified School District Appeal Courts have long held that school teachers and their supervisors are responsible for the children in their care. This concept has become such a commonly referenced ideal that it even has its own terminology: in loco parentis. The underlying principle, as the courts have reasoned, is that during […]

Speech or Spite: The Confederate Flag Controversy

The State of Texas has a lengthy history of an interest in secession. In fact, not long after the Confederacy was formed the state actually booted governor Sam Houston out of office in 1861 just to ensure that they could join the Confederacy. Of course that wasn’t the first time Texas was opposed to being […]

Cameron Todd Willingham Appeals Texas Conviction

Cameron Todd Willingham Appeals Conviction in Texas On a chilly December day in 1991, a home in Corsicana, Texas caught fire. On this day in 1991 four members of the Willingham family were inside the home: a two-year-old named Amber, two one-year-old twins named Karmon and Kameron and the girls father, Cameron Todd Willingham. The […]

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