Federal Appeal Lawyers in Iowa

Federal Appeal Lawyers in Iowa

Iowa Federal Appeal Attorneys

The Iowa federal appeal lawyers at Brownstone handle cases throughout Iowa. We brief appeal cases in every appellate court across the United States, including the Supreme Court. We represent clients in federal cases in both civil and criminal matters. Contact our Iowa federal appeal lawyers at 1-888-233-8895. Our areas of practice include Iowa Federal Post-Conviction Appeals.  The federal appeals lawyers in Iowa also handle appeals from Boise, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, and Sioux City.

Connect with our federal appeals lawyers at 888-233-8895.

Our team of Iowa federal appeal lawyers combine unique skills to enhance the client’s chances of winning cases before the United States Court of Appeal for the Eighth Circuit or the United States Supreme Court.  Return to the federal appellate lawyer page. Call our federal lawyers 888-233-8895.

Iowa Federal Appellate Law Firm

The appellate issues we handle range from constitutional law, complex business torts and criminal appeals. Federal appeals are challenging and complex. Our Iowa appellate practice is 100% devoted to civil and criminal federal appellate matters.

Your case is not over until you have filed an appeal. Each federal conviction gives the defendant the right to appeal the decision. There is a prescribed time limit to file an appeal. Contact Brownstone and find out about your rights following a federal case. We will help you through the process and obtain post-conviction relief. Federal appeals are complex and difficult to understand without professional help. You have to consult a law firm to known your rights regarding an Iowa federal court appeal.

Our Iowa federal appeal lawyers have the knowledge and experience for handling the intricacies of federal criminal appeals. We will analyze the legal matters that arise in your case. There are strict federal appeal deadlines that have to be followed. You have to file an appeal within the given time limit or lose your right to appeal.

You have a time period of 10 days in which to register a notice of appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals. This rule is prevalent in Iowa as well. The appeal has to be filed within 10 days or you will lose your right to appeal. Brownstone has handled numerous appeals in federal courts. Federal deadlines are strict regarding deadlines. Contact us to discuss your rights to a federal appeal in Iowa.

Federal Appeal Lawyers in Iowa

We rank among the Nation’s top appellate law firms. Our team provide focused research and writing on the issues of concern for our clients. We consistently succeed on high stakes cases at the appellate level due to our broad experience. The appeal lawyers at our law firm are accomplished litigators. We combine innovation with skill. We are dedicated to our clients and obtaining results that matter before every federal court of appeal in the nation and all appeal courts in Iowa.

Our firm regularly work on cases involving:


Our Iowa Federal Appeal Lawyers deploy multiple strategies to win cases for our clients. We provide strategic and tactical advice to advance each appeal. We know how cases are decided so our efforts are focused and result oriented. Each case is reviewed with careful attention to detail. This allows us to offer the best possible solutions for each client. Most appeals proceed through the Iowa Federal District Courts, and our lawyers help appeal cases to the Federal Courts of Appeal from Iowa.

We create sound strategies and tactical advice that are focused on obtaining results in diverse areas of law including constitutional law, environmental law, white collar crime, intellectual property and much more. With our attention to detail regarding your case, we combine innovation with skill in order to handle all complex areas of appellate litigation. Our Iowa federal appeal lawyers are ready to review your case today, and represent you in the court of law. Contact our Iowa attorneys today for a free consultation at 888-233-8895.

Most Federal Appeals Lawyers in Iowa Focus On

  • Criminal Appeals
  • Final and Non-Final Orders Appeals
  • Habeas Appeals
  • Interlocutory Appeals
  • Writs
  • Motions to Dismiss
  • Motion Before Federal Courts
  • Administrative Appeals
  • Petitions for Certiorari