Brownstone Law

FBI Succeeds in Recovering 168 Children in Sweeping Human Trafficking Operation

In a massive operation known as the Innocence Lost Program, the F.B.I. has been successful in rescuing close to 4,000 children from human trafficking rings. A criminal appeals lawyer explains the background of the latest recovery.

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How the F.B.I. Has Targeted Human Trafficking Rings

A staggering number of children go missing each year and fall victim to human trafficking rings. This is alarmingly not an international problem. These crimes are happening on U.S. soil. Many of these children are lured into forced prostitution by child predators they meet online. The F.B.I. launched a massive operation in 2003 known as the Bureau’s Innocence Lost Program. The program is credited with recovering 3,600 victims of human trafficking since then.

The F.B.I.’s Most Recent Success

As part of an annual nationwide crackdown, the F.B.I. has just recovered 168 child victims. Most of these children were never even reported missing. Additionally, as part of the operation, the Bureau has also arrested 281 so-called pimps. While this is good news, the use of the Internet to lure children into danger is still a real threat, and the F.B.I.’s work is far from over. Law enforcement continues its annual push to recover victimized children and arrest suspected pimps. The year-long operation is known as Operation Cross Country. It is vital in the continuing effort to protect children and punish perpetrators of this horrific crime that victimizes the most vulnerable.

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Speak to a criminal appeals lawyer if you suspect your child is at risk. There are a number of things parents can do to help prevent their own children from becoming victimized.

For experienced legal advice for your criminal or appellate matter, contact the offices of Brownstone Law. To schedule an appointment for an initial consultation, call 855.776.2773.

Federal Appeal Lawyers In Antitrust
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Robert L Sirianni
(888) 233-8895
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