U.S. Court Of Appeals To Rule On Medical Marijuana And Employee Rights

Appeals cases generally have one thing in common — they’re often complex cases, with murky evidence and/or contentious issues at their heart. Medical marijuana is one of the most controversial topics at the moment, and the U.S. Court of Appeals (or the federal circuit court) is seeing its fair share of appeals relating to the […]

Is Pennsylvania the next state to enact a Medical Marijuana Law?

As The Washington Post reports that states with medical marijuana laws enacted have a 25% lower incident of prescription overdose deaths than states without such laws, it is beginning to appear that Pennsylvania may become the next state to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. Riding a wave of good news of those in support of medical […]

Florida May Become First Southeast State To Legalize Medical Marijuana

As an appeals lawyer discusses, Florida may well become the twenty-third state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. Although the measure must still be voted on and signed into law, marijuana entrepreneurs are hopeful. Would you like to read about: Florida’s Governor Rick Scott Agrees to Support Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Extract for Medical Use The State […]