Former undertaker Bernie Tiede was released early from prison upon the recommendation of the District Attorney who prosecuted him. As a Texas criminal appeals attorney explains, Tiede’s case later inspired a 2012 feature film.
The Background of the Case
Former mortician Bernie Tiede shot and killed a friend of his, 81 year old widow Marjorie Nugent. As a Texas criminal appeals lawyer explains, Mrs. Nugent became acquainted with Mr. Tiede after he handled the death of her husband. It appears Mrs. Nugent had been shot in the back four times with a .22 calibur rifle. Her body was found in a freezer. The strange case inspired a movie starring Jack Black entitled “Bernie.” The real Bernie and Mr. Tiede became close, taking trips together. Mrs. Nugent even left a will naming Tiede as the beneficiary of nearly $10 million.
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The Circumstances Surrounding the Early Release
The District Attorney in the case signed off on the plan to reduce Tiede’s sentence. As a Texas criminal appeals attorney can discuss, the D.A. agreed that Tiede deserved leniency. There is evidence that Tiede suffered severe abuse as a child, which may have contributed to his mental state. He is ordered to stay with the Texas filmmaker responsible for the movie about his life as a condition of his release on bond. The State Court of Appeals will also have to sign off on the sentence reduction. Mr. Tiede will still be under the supervision of the court during his parole.
If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges or have been convicted of a crime, a Texas criminal appeals attorney may be able to help. The sooner you make an appointment to discuss your case, the better.
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At Brownstone Law, you can have your case reviewed by an appeals attorney who understands how important your legal matter is to you. To schedule an appointment for an initial consultation, call 855.776.2773.