Brownstone Law

Nouman Raja Conviction Appeal

Palm Beach Cop Nouman Raja Convicted

Attorneys of Nouman Raja who is a former Florida law enforcement officer filed an appeal and are requesting for another new trial. Nouman Raja is was Palm Beach Garden officer and is now convicted after shooting a man who happened to be a driver who was stranded. He is now appealing the court to give him another trial. Appeal attorney representing Nouman Raja has filed all the necessary paperwork in demand for another new trial. The reason for this is that the initial trial was not fair and impartial. The Palm Beach County jury had found this man guilty of attempted first-degree murder and manslaughter for the 2015 shooting of the deceased Corey Jones which was on a 1-95 exit ramp.

Jury Finds Nouman Raja Guilty of Corey Jones

He was working in plain clothes that day, He drove his van which was unmarked the wrong way up to an off-ramp, he then stopped a few feets away from the late Jone’s break-down SUV at around 3.15 am. This was on October 18th. What the prosecutor said is that Raja did not identify himself and that he acted in an aggressive manner thinking that Jones was a carjacker. Jones was a licensed firearm holder and the aggression he faced from Raja forced him to pull out his gun as he tried escaping. Raja continuously fired at him and caught him with a bullet that went straight through his heart.His lawyers, however, are appealing for his conviction stating that he is even eligible for a bond.

Raja Seeks to Appeals Conviction

They say he should have a house arrest while they continue appealing his case which is a serious conviction of manslaughter and first-degree murder. In a request that was filed with the Palm Beach County, Raja’s legal team led by Circuit Judge Joseph Marx said that he never violated the conditions for his pre-trial $250,000 for around three year’s time. They said that in his time on (house arrest) he complied with every guideline and went through all the stringent requirements of this procedure without any hitches. Attorney Steve Malone who represents Raj stated this firmly that the convict followed every detail required of him.

Nouman Raja cop


The prosecutors will have another chance of filing a response right before Marcx convenes a hearing. The family of the slain Jones will get a chance of sharing their thoughts on this matter. On Raja,s request, the appellate attorney’s note that he meets the required conditions under Florida law which can make a release under bond arguably possible. Among the reasons that they put forward to support their point is that Raja has no criminal records, he also has longstanding ties with the community. This shows he is a good man who would not have the intention of killing carelessly. His conviction was overshadowed by the fact that Marx made the mistake of not giving Raja’s defense attorney the chance to convince the jury that the shooting was a justifiable use of deadly force carried out by a law enforcer. The appeal lawyers further state that Raja is not a risk to the society or a flight risk, and he has a job lined up for him if he is released and he would continue living with his wife who he married 16 years ago as well as their two children and one of them has special needs. Now what they await is the judge’s discretion on whether he will grant the appellate bond. There is normally a particular chance for police officers who are convicted of serious crimes as well as convicts who are facing serious prosecutions. The appeal lawyers of Raja are seeking a bond of a reasonable amount. A defense attorney of South Florida known as Mark Eiglarsh said that the case facing Raja is a serious one and therefore one should not take the bond off the table after sentencing. A house arrest is what his lawyers are particularly seeking at first for Raja would rather serve time with his family. He can have a job here at Boynton Beach company that deals with selling tactical military gear. However, the nature of this case is too serious and charges like these don’t just get dropped. The family of Jones is going through a lot and especially his children. It is so sensitive and it’s upon the judge to decide whether to give him an appeal. The appeal lawyers of Raja have to give it their all id they expect a positive outcome.

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