Brownstone Law

Release Cornealious Michael Anderson III From Prison– Electronic Petition

Electronic Petition to Release Cornealious Michael Anderson III

If you’ve been following our blog, you already know all about Mike Anderson. Find a petition for release on, please take a minute to sign it.

criminal lawyerTo recap, Mr. Anderson was involved with the robbery of a fast food restaurant a little over a decade ago. He was convicted, appealed, and lost his appeal. However, because of a clerical error by the state, no one ever came to collect him since he was out on bond. In fact, his attorney didn’t even tell him to turn himself, to just wait, that it was normal for it to take a week or two.

First weeks went by, then those weeks turned into months, the months turned into years. No one ever came to get him, he was in court over traffic disputes, got married, started a family. Mr. Anderson was never hiding, he was in fact just a few houses down from where the court had him listed. Then, out of nowhere he is interrupted in the middle of the night by a Marshall threatening to break down his door, dragged to a holding facility and left there for weeks. Now being represented by our attorney, Brownstone Law, Mike is fighting for his freedom.

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Robert L Sirianni
(888) 233-8895
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